now you’re at an inflection point.
You’ve created a company with so much potential for impact that you, your team, and your customers are electric with excitement. You want to scale to make a bigger impact. You need cash to do it. But no way in hell are you going to let a bunch of finance guys tell you how to run your business.
But All the Investors see is your growth.
They have no idea why you do what you do, or why your customers love you. They just want to come along for the ride. But what if they make you trade your long-term vision for short-term upside?
Trust Isn't Given, It’s Earned
Yes, we’re different. And no, we’re not just hype or smoke and mirrors.
But how do you know that?

If you meet our principles, we’ll deploy as much as $250k of our own resources to help you run a live market test. This will cost you time, effort, and nothing else. Plus, you’ll get to keep the results.
You’ll get a clear understanding of what it’s like to work with us, a clear picture of your relationship with your customers, and a clear plan for growing your company sustainably for decades.
Together, we’ll find out that working with each other either creates tremendous value, or it doesn’t. If it does, we’ll talk about investing for the long term. If not, we’ll simply wish you the best. But either way, you’ll have new tools for making a bigger impact.
The best way to find out if we can help you is to simply work with us. And you can do that without shelling out any cash or equity.
But that’s only if you meet our principles
We work with companies that have:
A Clear Reason For Being
A core belief that drives your every business decision. Maybe you haven’t put it in words yet, but your customers can absolutely sense it.
A Timeless Product
You make things that matter, things that will still be relevant in 10 years, things that shape your customer’s future for the better.
A Raving Fan Base
Your customers talk nonstop about you to each other, their friends, and anyone who will listen. A community is growing around the products you create.